Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So here we are. 2012 and finally, together, not together apart but together. It's a pretty overwhelming feeling but not the kind that hits you hard on the head, but the kind that slowly seeps in bit by bit and made to realize over and over again at different times. It's funny how easy it is to get up in the morning now and just start the day. Previously, it took me uncountable snoozes just to wake up, get ready and go to work and it's not like I dreaded work or anything, but maybe, I just lost zest for it. Nowadays, I wake up to prepare breakfast for the man, thankfully, Oliver likes it simple; bread and coffee, muesli and coffee etc. and see him off to work. My skin breathes more now that I'm not putting on beautifying chemicals just to look presentable or professional. Okay, so maybe a bit of BB cream and eyeliner. I spend my days scouring the internet over recipes for lunch and dinner. Oh just the other day, I woke up at 3 am and started marinating chicken. Never in my life have I done that. Before you think I'm nuts, it was only me in my Malaysian body clock. I walked to the supermarket today with a grocery bag brought from home. When paying at the cashier, I put the groceries into the bag myself;  something that I don't do back home because the spoilt Malaysian me would rather drive to the supermarket even though it is only 500 metres away and let the cashier put my groceries into plastic bags. In the kitchen, we have 4 disposable bins; bio waste, plastics, papers and soiled waste. I am still trying to understand which waste goes where. Not easy I tell you. And don't get me start on the weather. Cold, no sun, constant cold. The only plus about the weather is I get to play winter dress up. Question is, how long will this 'plus' excites me before it turn into 'minus'. These aside, I am having a swell time with Oliver. Nothing beats being with the love. Not even the weather. Little mundane things like waking up, going for walks, having meals, or even just snuggling in front of the Mac watching How I Met Your Mother and Grey are so precious. 2012, is definitely a year of change for both of us. I just resigned from my job to come here. It's a pretty scary thing to do because I'm so used to doing something, I mean, ever since high school, I went straight into University and after that, I got a job straight after graduating. So, I'm not used to this, not doing anything. But again, this won't be long because I'm enrolling into German Language course which starts in March and it is going to be a full time study thing so I'm really looking forward to it. Until then, I guess I'm just going to enjoy bumming around, haha, okay maybe not, I hope to write more, which reminds me there are so much things to write about, I haven't even shared our wedding pictures and videos, there were celebrations and yeah, you know, stuff. This whole trying to write something after being idle for so long is pretty tiring. So, I'll stop here and write another day. Ta.

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